Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!! 2014

Wow so the day is upon us my friends!  The family and I had such a wonderful night celebrating with family and friends.  Last year was full of new adventures and I look forward to what this year will bring.

Today I am making for the family prime rib, my traditional bodacious black eyed peas, homemade mashed potatoes and a salad.

Thank you lord for all of the many blessings you have given me and for the strength you have bestowed on me to help me through my challenges. For you have always shown me the way, my trust is with you.

Many blessings my friends for a wonderful and prosperous 2014!!

- xoxoxo


Saturday, December 28, 2013


Goodbye 2013 ... It's been great!

So I've spent half of December with whatever is going around, it's been no fun!

Christmas just passed was the best ever, made my first Christmas lunch!

The menu: Prime Rib, homemade mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and fresh asparagus and homemade French coconut pie.

I must say that I am a true believer in cooking with love, because when your hearts in it food comes out fabulous!  

I am a baker by heart and hate cooking but when I am excited about cooking it definitely shows.  One thing I am coming to realize is that all there is to cooking is patience and a little bit of salt and pepper!

So looking forward to 2014 here are my New Years resolutions:

1) loose weight ... Okay okay I know this is the usual tradition for anyone, but after I gave birth six years ago (boy seems like yesterday) I never had the typical new mom get the body back in shape.  Instead I was the type who became depressed, via good ol post partum, gained weight, stopped taking care of myself etc.  So I think I've gotten my mental health back in shape, I'm learning how to balance my mom and wifely duties as well as my new job.  So I think I'm ready to take on my weight gain now.

2) pay down our debt .. So we recently consolidated and looking forward to shedding those responsibilities and enjoying life more. I really want to travel.

3) enjoy life!! This is something I think I've lost the ability to do with life's challenges but I look forward to what is to come.  Life throws you lemons and what you chose to do with those lemons is truly up to you.  I can truly say, and am blessed to be in the position to do so, I have everything I could ever want and need.

Take care all.  Much love, peace and happiness in 2014!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

So it's been a while...

So its been awhile... I haven't really been up to much. I think at this point the most I've sewn is a quick simple baby blanket for my cousin and her first baby girl Ava, born this last april. She's such a doll.

Other than that I've just been working on getting things organized. Life has been a little crazy with the kiddos and all, my son turned three a few weeks ago. The party decorations came out soo awesome, everything was as perfect as perfect can be. I am so proud of how the party turned out! I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends, Becky, Belinda and Sam!! Thank you so much for everything you do for me and my family :)

The theme was Toy Story or Buzz... he loved it!! I made him a Buzz Lightyear Spaceship, made my first balloon arch, and finally broke down and bought myself a cricut. I did my first cricut project and made centerpieces.. it was all fantastic, I'm going to have to post pictures soon. The cake was just as awesome! My friend Belinda, made it for us and it was so great!

We had a swimming party, and my friend Becky let us use her facilities, it was sooo perfect! Not to mention the birthday boy really enjoyed himself! I can't believe my baby boy is THREE!!

Now its on to planning baby girl's second birthday in October! Theme ELMO!! Stay tuned!

Also I need to start working on Halloween costumes and ideas, I also want to host our first gingerbread house party for the kiddos, I think they will really enjoy that!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! 2011 Here I come ...

Can't believe I've gone through a full year with my little baby girl, two years with my baby boy and gotten through a decade of my life that I thought would never end!!

It all has definitely flown by fast, but was full of love, joy, lessons and adventures! I try to take in every moment as best I can, but things can get very overwhelming at times!! I am learning to balance myself, the old and the new.. its is so interesting what having children teaches you ... the true meaning of life! I thank God for my life, my wonderful husband and my family!

Here's to a wonderful and prosperous 2011!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

What an awesome day!!

Well fall is here!! I love fall!! I don't remember the weather being so beautiful in such a long time! My awesome friend Becky, told me about her neighborhoods fall festival going on yesterday so we went and the kids had such a fantastic time!!

Aidan loved the chicks!! Ps Mom is okay with these chix :)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I Love Owls!!

Wow I came across the most gorgeous owl nursery on the blog jahjong .. She also has this you tube video that I think I really needed to see:

Yes she mentioned you will need a kleenex or two :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Wow, so its been awhile!! My son is now two, and my little princess is turning one!! OMG can't believe it!!

Just been trying to keep up with life! I haven't really gotten to sew as much as I have been wanting to, but hopefully I will get back into it soon!!

Fall is here and I can't wait!! I LOOOVE Halloween and now I get to add my baby girl's bday as an added element to my favorite month of the year!! I can't wait until I can throw her a halloween party someday when she's older!!

Well here's to a fabulous holiday season!!