Friday, June 18, 2010

Ahhh I need to sew!!

Okay so its been two weeks since I took my first sewing class! I finally got my machine this last sunday, I went out bought my supplies to get started and now I'm like a lead brick!! I'm seww Ready hahahaha, maybe this weekend so I can concentrate :) I'll keep you posted...................

Saturday, June 5, 2010

A New Me

So I've decided to join the blogger world today!! I turned 30 this past thursday and I suddenly find myself looking to find my place in the world, again. I am an accomplished financier by day, but have embarked on the new journey of motherhood to two remarkable babies, whom I love sooo much!! I am looking for a way to put my passion into things so that when they're older and hopefully a long time from now, when I am gone, I will have left them things that will always remind them of my ever lasting love for them. I love them so much, it aches me to see how quickly they are growing!! I am soo proud that I was given the opportunity to be their mom!! My baby boy, aka bunnie, is going to be 2 this month!! My how time flies!! My little princess, aka pumpkin, just turned 8 months wednesday!!

Its interesting how I have been living my whole life seeking milestones to mark my accomplishments. Now that I am a proud mommy ... all of that is soooo irrelevant now, they are my accomplishments, and I live for them and my family!! I can truly say I absolutely understand what family is now and I love it!!

Mommy loves you Aidan and Ashley!! XOXOXOXO