Saturday, December 28, 2013


Goodbye 2013 ... It's been great!

So I've spent half of December with whatever is going around, it's been no fun!

Christmas just passed was the best ever, made my first Christmas lunch!

The menu: Prime Rib, homemade mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and fresh asparagus and homemade French coconut pie.

I must say that I am a true believer in cooking with love, because when your hearts in it food comes out fabulous!  

I am a baker by heart and hate cooking but when I am excited about cooking it definitely shows.  One thing I am coming to realize is that all there is to cooking is patience and a little bit of salt and pepper!

So looking forward to 2014 here are my New Years resolutions:

1) loose weight ... Okay okay I know this is the usual tradition for anyone, but after I gave birth six years ago (boy seems like yesterday) I never had the typical new mom get the body back in shape.  Instead I was the type who became depressed, via good ol post partum, gained weight, stopped taking care of myself etc.  So I think I've gotten my mental health back in shape, I'm learning how to balance my mom and wifely duties as well as my new job.  So I think I'm ready to take on my weight gain now.

2) pay down our debt .. So we recently consolidated and looking forward to shedding those responsibilities and enjoying life more. I really want to travel.

3) enjoy life!! This is something I think I've lost the ability to do with life's challenges but I look forward to what is to come.  Life throws you lemons and what you chose to do with those lemons is truly up to you.  I can truly say, and am blessed to be in the position to do so, I have everything I could ever want and need.

Take care all.  Much love, peace and happiness in 2014!